
Embrace Nature This New Year

Move closer to nature this New Year A fresh year is ahead. New hopes, new resolutions, new ideas revolves in everyone’s minds. It is a positive note if your intuition …
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Diagnostic Techniques in Ayurveda

Diagnostic Techniques in Ayurveda How does your Ayurvedic practitioner diagnose your problem? When you visit a trained Ayurvedic practitioner, you would be asked a lot about your personal history – …
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Melbourne Ayurveda Dementia


Dementia and Ayurveda Dementia is a neuro-degenerative disorder that causes impairment in cognitive functions. It is not a specific disease in itself, it is a term used in broad sense …
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Yoga For Your Everyday Routine

Yoga Everyday It is said that about three-fourth of yoga practitioners come across a change of mind of why they take up yoga regularly. It’s initially about weight-loss, reducing blood …
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Lower Back Pain Ayurvedic Treatment and Management

Ayurveda for lower back pain Lower back pain is the most common chronic pain disorders. It is characterized by consistent pain followed by numbness or burning sensation down the legs …
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Ayurveda to Address Sinusitis in Melbourne

Sinusitis and Ayurveda What is sinus? Sinuses are the hallow cavities that are connected to one another present in the skull. These cavities are called “paranasal sinuses” that has a …
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Using Ayurveda To Address Headaches

Headache and Ayurveda Headaches are such a common problem as we have termed our day to day anxieties as a headache. Ayurveda says headache is not a single disorder but …
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Self-healing Power of the Human Body

Miraculous self-healing power of human body When you accidentally cut your hands with a knife, it is indeed a painful incident for you to overcome, but it is not permanent …
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Heart Day World

World Heart Day

World Heart Day World Heart day reminds us of the necessity for the care to be shown towards keeping our heart powerful and healthy. Insisting to make heart-healthy choices in …
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Address Insomnia with Ayurveda in Melbourne

Insomnia and Homeopathy Sleep was generally considered as a passive mode of human beings until science revealed the importance of sleep for the better functioning of our internal organs. The …
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Address Skin Problems With Homeopathy

Skin Problems and Ayurveda Everybody love to have a glowing skin. Skin problems are sometimes superficial, some skin problems are manifestation of problems in internal organs. Itching, redness and issues …
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Ayurvedic Approach To Weight Loss

How To Use Ayurveda For Weight Loss Many times we wonder about a friend who eats a lot but doesn’t put on weight, but those who eat much lesser can’t …
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Knee Joint Pain & Ayurvedic Management

Ayurveda To Address Knee Pain Life becomes miserable to move when there is a chronic knee pain. All basic activities like walking, sitting, bending, standing and folding the legs are …
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World Arthritis Day- Ayurveda

World Arthritis Day World Arthritis Day 2017 aims at creating awareness on the benefits of early diagnosis of rheumatic and musculo-skeletal disorders. “Don’t delay, connect today” is the slogan behind …
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Gestation Months and Ayurvedic Meals

Food Is Our Medicine Ayurveda being one of the ancient and traditional medications to maintain good health had always proved the saying “Food is our medicine and medicine is our …
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World Hepatitis Day

Hepatitis Day – July 28th World Hepatitis Day falls on July 28 every year creating awareness towards Hepatitis globally. Hepatitis affects millions of people worldwide. It is one among the …
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Breastfeeding Benefits

Breast Feeding Week- Ayurveda Melbourne Breast feeding week is celebrated internationally from 1st August to 7th August. This is a global event for action “to promote, protect and support breastfeeding …
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Digestive process in Ayurveda

All about Ayurveda and the Digestive Process Digestion is a crucial part for one’s good health. We all know ‘we are what we eat’. In Ayurveda, digestive process is not …
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Melbourne Naturopath

Discover a new you

Melbourne Naturopath

Discover a new you

Our Clinics »

Melbourne CBD Clinic: 

Exchange Tower, Suite 807 (Level 8) 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146


Sunshine Clinic:

16 Fairbairn Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146


Taylors Lakes Clinic: 

1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146








Our Clinics »

Melbourne CBD Clinic: 

Exchange Tower, Suite 807 (Level 8) 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

Sunshine Clinic: 

16 Fairbairn Road, Sunshine VIC 3020

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

Taylors lakes Clinic: 

1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146






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  • Disclaimer

In any means, we, AYUR CLINIC team neither claiming to be a modern medical doctor nor we registered in the Australian medical board. The word doctor used here is only to represent or to refer the Ayurveda doctors recognized in India after achieving a Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery qualification. This qualification is recognized in Australia as a naturopath by Vetassess governing body. The information provided on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the ayurvedic subjects discussed. Information on this website should not be considered as a replacement for advice and consultation from a healthcare expert. This content or information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any ayurvedic condition. For treatment or diagnosis of any ayurvedic condition or difficulties, consult a doctor. The publisher and creator are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require ayurvedic supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, application or use, to any person reading or following the data or information in this website. References are provided for informational purposes only. Readers should be aware that the linked websites listed on this website may change. This site does not recommend or support the self-management of health issues using the information provided on the website. Instead, we insist you to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for guidance. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all physical conditions, illnesses, weaknesses or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly if you have any health-related questions. Never neglect or delay ayurvedic advice based upon the information you may have read on this site.

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