How Ayurveda helps in managing Ovarian Cysts

Ayurveda is a philosophy that is entirely based on the holistic management of the body and its functions. So according to Ayurvedic philosophy, a disease develops as a result of imbalances in the body’s functions.
In Ayurveda, Ovarian cysts are complications arising from imbalances in the proper functioning of the two Doshas. Kapha rises in the body, weakening the effectiveness of pitta, just as water reduces the intensity of the fire. When too much Kapha enters the reproductive system, it stimulates the overproduction of smooth muscle tissues. Smooth muscle will be of poor quality because it is made from impaired Kapha. Increased Kapha inhibits egg formation, and reduced Pitta fails to break the egg on time. As a result, the cyst begins to develop inside the uterus, and these are further known as fibroids.
- Pain in the abdomen
- Lower back pain
- Bloating Indigestion
- Poor ability to empty the bladder
- Urgency to defecate
- Irregularity in urination
- Severe pelvic pain
- Gastrointestinal problems
- Constipation
- Pain during intercourse
- Abdominal swelling
- Fever
- Dizziness
- Rapid breathing
- Nausea and vomiting
- Breast tenderness
Causative Factors
Some of the simplest causes leading to the condition are listed below. These are mainly based on the diet and lifestyle patterns that an individual follows: –
- Irregular diet
- Overconsumption on a non-vegetarian diet
- Excessive use of sugar
- Overuse of oil and spices
- Improper sleep pattern
- Improper meal routines
- Lack of physical exercise
- Stress and anxiety
Types of Ovarian Cysts in Ayurveda
- The corpus luteum cyst is a tissue that forms in the ovary after an egg is discharged from a follicle. This cyst is filled with blood or fluid and only appears on one side, causing no symptoms.
- Endometriosis is also referred to as a chocolate cyst. Endometrioma is a condition in which red or brown endometrial tissue develops or bleeds.
- A Follicular cyst develops when blood leaks into the egg sac.
- Dermoid cysts are the result of the development of aberrant tissues known as benign cystic teratomas.
- Polycystic ovarian syndrome is characterized by many tiny cysts in both ovaries. PCOD or PCS can affect the women’s menstrual cycle and leads to potential health threats.
- Tubo-ovarian abscesses are defined by the presence of pus-filled areas within or surrounding the ovaries or ovarian tubes.
Ovarian Cysts Ayurveda Treatment
The philosophy of Ayurvedic medicine focuses on resolving vitiated components such as Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. The vitiated factors begin to accumulate in the channels as a result of the causative factors. As a result, the route is blocked, resulting in fibroids. Panchakarma is a technique of Ayurvedic body detoxification.
Panchakarma ayurveda therapies that are beneficial in the treatment of an ovarian cyst include:
- Vamana therapy – This is a cleansing and detoxification procedure. This panchakarma therapy involves the elimination of toxins. It is useful in balancing hormones, increasing fertility, and aiding in weight loss.
- Virechana therapy – induces purgation (increased bowel motions) to cleanse the poisons. This is useful for obesity, hormonal imbalances, irregular or heavy periods, skin pigmentation, and other ovarian cyst-related symptoms. Basti therapy is another highly successful Ayurvedic panchakarma therapy for an ovarian cyst. It is extremely beneficial for increasing and maintaining overall health and fertility.
- The Udvartana technique is a panchakarma therapy that improves blood circulation. It also aids in the detoxification of the skin. It also increases metabolism, controls fat metabolism and aids in weight loss.
After the body has been purified, the medication that supports the regular functioning of the uterus can be started.
Dietary recommendations
- Eat more fruits and vegetables rich in alkaline content.
- Take magnesium-rich fruits and vegetables like yams, bananas, cashew nuts, cauliflower, cabbage, sprouts, potatoes etc.
- Consume wheat products containing magnesium and zinc to maintain hormone levels.
- Avoid alcohol as it increases estrogen levels.
- Strictly avoid caffeine products.
- Avoid salty foods cheese and yogurt.
- Maintain a healthy body weight
- Poultry, red meat, and dark meat should be avoided.
Yoga and Meditation
Yoga postures beneficial for the condition include Suptabaddhakonasana, Setu Bandha Sarvangasana, Suryanamaskar, Savasana, Butterfly pose, Bhujangasana, Halaasana, etc. Various meditation and breathing exercises like Pranayama help in reducing stress.
As a treatment approach, Ayurclinic Melbourne believes in incorporating healthy diet and lifestyle strategies to bring down the levels of toxins.
To help, we have procedures and therapies to detoxify and cleanse the body and calm down the vitiated Doshas. For any queries regarding Ovarian cyst management, you can contact our Ayurveda doctors at +61 3 9078 2940 and book your consultation. Our experienced practitioners will be able to give you a proper diagnosis and help with the easy management of the condition.