Insomnia and Homeopathy
Sleep was generally considered as a passive mode of human beings until science revealed the importance of sleep for the better functioning of our internal organs. The nervous system completely terminates its function during our sleep and helps to repair the nerve cells. The neurons of the nervous system cannot be replaced, instead the byproducts of the cellular activity is eliminated and rejuvenated during sleep.
Insomnia is a condition which occurs when you experience sleep disorder that characterizes inadequate sleep. Other symptoms like
- difficulty in falling asleep
- un-refreshing sleep
- waking up too early in morning
- difficulty returning to sleep
- secondary symptoms like daytime fatigue
- less concentration and more mistakes.
Homeopathy is completely natural system of healing that is safe and reliable. In the case of Insomnia, Homeopathy provides tiny doses of a substance which given in large doses would cause sleeplessness in normal person.
Homeopathy treats each individual in a unique manner. There is no one-size-fits-for-all approach in Homeopathic treatment. Every insomniac is analysed physically and psychologically. After tracing out the complete medical history of the person, insomnia is treated as a part of the whole picture. The nature of sleep disorder and giving details on the pattern of disturbance would help greatly to prescribe apt medication.
A homeopath finds a major theme in every different scenario of sleep disorder and associated illness. For instance, sleeplessness due to excited and mentally active state is treated with Coffea Cruda. Nux Vomica is given to patients who are up during 3 am or 4 am and who can’t go back to sleep – a condition usually caused by some stimulants like alcohol, coffee etc. There are remedies for many symptoms like restlessness, frequent waking, irritation and sleep disorders due to exhaustiveness, depression, grief, excessive mental exertion etc.
Insomnia can be of three types
- Transient insomnia – sleeplessness lasting for a few days to a week’s time. It can be caused temporarily due to situational challenges like travel, temporary grief etc.
- Intermittent insomnia – This type of sleep disorders come on and off.
- Chronic insomnia is sleep disorder that lasts for more than three weeks.
Insomnia is becoming a common problem for young ones due to increase in depression and pressure posed on them. Regular habits of food and exercise, along with a natural capability to ward off stress would keep your sleep healthy and refreshing one.
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