Pitta Body Type
The pitta body type exhibits the quality of fire and water. It translates as ‘that which cooks’ – the energy for transformation – it aids the processes like digestion and metabolism. If you are of Pitta constitution, you will exhibit the following qualities.
Physical `Characteristics:
- Medium, strong and well-built body
- Strong appetite, strong digestion,
- Moderate muscle development
- Thin, silky and reddish brown hair- tendency towards premature greyness
- Natural craving for sweet, astringent and bitter tastes
- Uninterrupted medium sleep
- Excessive perspiration
- Intolerance to the sun or hard work.
- Warm body temperature
Emotional Characteristics:
- Orderly, competitive, focused.
- Good decision makers, speakers, and teachers
- Sharp and has good concentration
- Has leadership qualities, like to be in command
- Precise and outspoken, sometimes sarcastic
- Abundant vitality and stamina
- Vigorous, passionate and entrepreneurial
- Become argumentative, short-tempered and irritated when out of balance
Often Pitta gets aggravated under the hot sun or high temperature when there is a delay in meal time, hard work etc. Eating pitta aggravating foods, drinking coffee, black tea, smoking can also aggravate pitta.
Some general hints to balance excess pitta
- Add cool foods like cucumber, melons, grapes, coconuts, etc. in your diet
- Don’t skip meals
- Engage in calming activities like meditation, spending time with nature, etc.
- Don’t create unnecessary time pressure to yourself
- Prefer sweet, astringent and bitter taste
- Avoid artificial stimulants like Caffeine,
- Avoid deep fried food and alcohol.
- Follow a regular daily routine of eating, waking and sleeping
- Reduce overwork and have a balanced work and leisure routine.
Keeping cool physically and mentally would help pitta in balance.
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