Skin conditions are a common ailment. Many people face a wide range of skin problems on a regular basis. Some of these conditions are hereditary or chronic and can only be managed. Most skin diseases are born and caused by Hormone changes, aging, and allergy or sun exposure. Many people prefer some creams or chemicals as primary treatment. This can leave harmful side effects and can cause permanent damage to tissues. Whereas Ayurvedic skin care treatments are very gentle, natural, nourishing in nature, and without side effects.
As per Ayurveda for healthier skin, internal health and nourishment are most important. Also, Tri-Dosha balance is the most required element in the body for healthy and flawless glowing skin.
Symptoms of Skin Problems
Skin conditions have a wide range of symptoms. Conditions that irritate the skin can cause symptoms such as burning, swelling, redness, and itching. Acne can affect appearance and confidence. Infections on the skin can be painful or itchy. Skin irregularities such as red/white bumps, scaly/rough skin, rashes, ulcers, open sores, cracked skin, oozing, discharge, discolorations, etc. also develop with skin diseases. Some of the most common skin diseases that are seen in individuals are Acne vulgaris, Psoriasis, Eczema, and Leucoderma.
Root causes for Skin disorders
Toxic accumulation: Toxic accumulation (ama) due to improper digestion, ineffective elimination, unhealthy food and/or unhealthy lifestyle is one of the primary causes of chronic skin diseases. Whenever toxic residues are flowing through blood, a possible site accumulates in the skin leading to irritation, infection, and/ or chronic diseases.
Stress: Emotional and mental well-being are important factors that contribute to a person’s total health. Whenever we are stressed, our overall body function will be compromised affecting health. Ayurveda says Stress involving grievance and regrets have particularly bad effects on the skin. Uncontrolled stress can make your skin more sensitive and lead to issues like acne.
Unhealthy diet: Beautiful skin comes from a healthy body which in turn is a result of a healthy diet. Apart from the food choices, the time you eat and the combinations of food are also vital. (For e.g. Food you eat when you are not hungry-even if they are healthy- cannot be nourishing for your system). This improper combination of food can cause metabolic residues increasing the accumulation of toxic residues in the body.
Dry or oily skin: Dry skin is more prone to chronic diseases than oily skin. Internal and external lubrication is vital to prevent the disorders caused by dry skin. Even for someone who has dry skin from birth, drinking an adequate amount of water, adding healthy fat to the diet, regular oil massage, or applying lubricants can help in regulating the skin texture. Regarding oily skin regular scrubbing and monitored fat intake should be provided.
Constipation: This is considered one of the root causes of skin disease as in the process, unwanted materials are regularly eliminated from the body system. Drinking more water and adding lots of fresh fruits and vegetables to the diet, etc. can help in preventing constipation.
Common types of Skin diseases
How Ayurveda helps in managing Skin diseases
According to Ayurveda, most skin diseases are rooted in the Dhatus or Tissues in the body like blood, fat, etc. Hence, Ayurveda treatments for skin diseases are penetrative that go deep into the layers of the skin and eliminate the problem from its roots. Although it may take a few weeks to show signs, we make sure that the results will be permanent and long-lasting.
Various Skin therapies for skin disease treatment in Ayurveda include:
- Steaming: This is beneficial in clearing up the blockage in subtle channels or Srothas. However, it is not recommended in case of inflammations.
- Vamana: Vamana therapy involves the oral administration of herbs or medicines to induce vomiting. This removes blockages of Srothas in the facial skin as well as the entire body.
- Virechana: Also called medicated purgation. This therapy is performed by giving bitter, astringent, and sweet herbal purgatives to reduce the vitiated Pitta and Rakta (blood dhatu) in the body. Virechana can be performed during the inflammatory stages.
- Nasya: Suitable herbs and Ayurvedic medicine for skin diseases are administered through the nose for the treatment of chronic conditions of acne.
- Snehana: Usually performed for Vata-dominated psoriasis, Snehana involves the oral administration of medicated ghee for a period of five to seven days.
- Basti: Basti or medicated enemas with herbal concoctions are given for around eight days after which medicated ghee has to be consumed for ninety days.
- Detox therapies: Detox Panchakarma therapies like Virechana and Vamana work well for the treatment of psoriasis. Therapies like Thakradhara where medicated buttermilk or decoction is dripped over the forehead may be used especially for Pitta-dominated psoriasis.
Various external medicines are also applied in this treatment procedure which include:
- Lepa: A paste made of suitable herbs is applied to the affected area.
- Parisheka: Warm oils and herbal decoctions are poured onto the body to eliminate toxins and relax the body.
- Udvarthana: It involves rubbing the body with herbal powders. This procedure is highly effective for rough and thick skin.
- Dhupana: Especially in Vata and Kapha dominant conditions, fumigation with certain herbs is carried out called Dhupana.
- Patya: Making the right lifestyle changes and dietary choices along with yoga and meditation.
Why Choose Ayurclinic for Ayurveda Treatment of Skin Disease?
At Ayurclinic, we aim at cleaning and strengthening the mind-body energy channels that may have weakened due to various skin disorders through our personalized Ayurveda therapies and treatments. Besides, our treatment procedures and medicines are standardized according to the authentic classical texts on Ayurveda that make recovery more effective.
So if you are suffering from any of these symptoms, consult us right away. Our Ayurvedic practitioners at Ayurclinic, Melbourne, can help you manage the condition in a safe and effective way.