How to Get Rid of Bloating with Ayurvedic Solutions
Bloating is a condition characterized by a feeling of abdominal fullness and discomfort. I.e. Bloating happens when your belly feels full, uncomfortable, and puffy. It can occur after eating certain foods like high-fiber meals or fizzy drinks, or if you eat too fast and too much. Sometimes, it’s linked to food sensitivities or allergies. Bloating can strike in the afternoon, evening, or all day long. It’s often caused by things like constipation, too many gut bacteria, sensitive intestines (like in IBS), weak belly muscles (gastroparesis), or female health issues like fibroids or PCOS. It can result in abdominal swelling and discomfort. How long it lasts depends on what’s causing it. Identifying the underlying cause is crucial for effective management of the disease
Causative Factors
Causes of bloating may be due to
- Swallowing air (this can happen when you chew gum, smoke, or eat too fast)
- Constipation
- Overeating
- Reflux (GERD)
- Weight gain
- Menstruation (in some women)
Other causes could include medical conditions, such as:
- Infection
- Inflammation (such as a condition called diverticulitis)
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
- Liver disease (abnormal build-up of fluid in your stomach or pelvis)
- Crohn’s disease
- Blockage in your bowel or bladder
- Cancer (ovarian, uterine, colon, pancreatic, or stomach)
- Mental health factors, such as anxiety or depression
- Some medicines
Symptoms of Bloating
Common symptoms of bloating include stomach pain, discomfort, and gas. You may also burp or belch frequently or have abdominal rumbling or gurgling. Severe bloating may occur along with other serious symptoms, such as:
- Blood in your stool
- Noticeable weight loss (without trying)
- Vaginal bleeding (between your periods, or if you are postmenopausal)
- Nausea
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Heartburn getting worse
- Fever (due to an infection)
Bloating Ayurvedic Analysis
Bloating is caused by a weak digestive fire or agni. In Ayurveda, this condition is called Adhmana (swelling of the lower abdomen), and it is a type of vata imbalance. Occasional bloating or gas is normal but when it becomes regular and persistent, it is a sign and symptom of digestive imbalance.
When the abdomen bloats it is because the gastrointestinal tract is unable to split the food into tiny enough particles to absorb. Then our food can turn toxic and we are deprived of the nourishment we need in our tissues.
According to Ayurveda, vata aggravating factors such as improper food and incorrect lifestyle (vata prakopaka aahara and vihara) cause an abnormal condition of the digestive fire (aagnidushti) and disturb the function of the stomach and intestines. This leads to impaired digestion and bloating (adhmana).
How Ayurveda Alleviates Blotting?
In Ayurveda, bloating is often associated with digestive imbalances, and its approach to bloating focuses on restoring balance to the digestive system. At Ayurclinic, we use ancient ayurvedic techniques to alleviate blotting and improve your health. Here are a few solutions we offer:
- Panchakarma: This is one of the most common Ayurveda techniques involving a five-step process to rejuvenate the entire body. Panchakarma comprises Ayurvedic massage, stress management therapies, herbal steam baths, a healing diet, and cleansing enemas. In some cases, Ayurvedic detoxification therapies like Virechana (purgation) or Vasti (medicated enema) might be recommended to remove accumulated toxins and gas from the digestive tract. It will aid defecation and help release gas.
- Snehana and Swedana: Applying various warm Vata balancing medicated oils followed by a hot steam bath helps to pass gas and soften the stomach.
- Herbal Paste: In severe conditions, applying certain herbal pastes along with warm water can be used which helps release gas and alleviate pain in adults.
- Dietary Adjustments: Ayurveda suggests a balanced and easily digestible diet. It recommends avoiding excessive intake of gas-producing foods like beans, cabbage, and carbonated drinks.
- Herbal Remedies: Ayurvedic herbs and formulations may be used to improve digestion and reduce gas. For example, ginger and fennel seeds are known for their digestive properties.
- Lifestyle Changes: Proper eating habits, like chewing food thoroughly, eating at regular intervals, and consuming warm meals, can help prevent bloating.
- Yoga and Pranayama: Specific yoga postures and breathing exercises can help improve digestion and alleviate bloating.
Bloating can be a frustrating and uncomfortable condition to deal with, but with Ayurveda, you can improve your health and reduce the symptoms of bloating. At Ayurclinic Melbourne, we offer a unique blend of traditional Ayurvedic wisdom and modern healthcare practices. Our team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners provides personalized care and guidance, focusing on natural approaches to promote healing and well-being.
By embracing Ayurvedic tips such as mindful eating, avoiding cold and heavy foods, drinking warm water, practicing yoga and meditation, and consuming Ayurveda herbs, you can improve your digestion and lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle.
It is always better to consult an Ayurvedic practitioner to address your problems regarding gaseous bloat. Book an appointment or Call us@ at +61 3 9078 2940 and get personalized recommendations for abdominal gas treatment based on your specific concerns from experienced Ayurvedic doctors at Ayurclinic Melbourne.