Shirodhara Massage- An Ayurvedic Miracle Therapy to Relieve Stress

October 28, 2023

Stress is a natural reaction in the body when it encounters challenges or threats. It’s a response that can be triggered by various situations and can have physical and emotional effects. While some stress is normal and can even be motivating, excessive or chronic stress can be harmful, leading to various health issues and affecting overall well-being. Ayurveda can help mitigate its negative impacts and promote balance and relaxation.

In this blog, you’ll delve into the realm of Ayurveda and discover the wonders of Shirodhara, a remarkable therapy renowned for its ability to relieve stress and provide profound relaxation for both the body and mind.


Shirodhara is an Ayurveda therapy where a gentle stream of liquid, like oil, milk, or water, is poured onto your forehead. The oil is poured on the forehead from a specific height for a specific period continuously and rhythmically allowing the oil to run through the scalp and into the hair.  The name comes from the Sanskrit words “Shiro” meaning head and “Dhara” meaning flow. This soothing practice offers numerous benefits as it soothes the mind which results in many mind-related conditions such as stress, anxiety, and insomnia. This therapy helps enhance the functions of the central nervous system as a whole

According to Ayurveda, Shirodhara Ayurveda massage is beneficial for vata and pitta dosha. When out of balance, Vata dosha exhibits fear, insecurity, worry racing thoughts. Out of balance, Pitta Dosha exhibits as anger, irritability, frustration, and judgment. This treatment is considered to be holistic as it gives a whole new experience and helps in relaxation and detoxifying the body.

Benefits of Shirodhara Massage

Shirodhara is typically done in conjunction with other Ayurvedic treatments, such as massage and herbal supplements, to achieve the best results.

Here are some benefits of Shirodhara massages:

  • Very beneficial for people with Vata / Pitta imbalance
  • Aids Memory
  • Relieves from Anxiety and Nervousness
  • Promotes good sleep
  • Body gets Strengthened
  • Improves Concentration
  • A solution to many eye disorders
  • Sleep is induced and aging is slowed
  • Benefits chronic headaches and migraines
  • Reduces stress
  • Increase the Blood Circulation of the head and brain
  • Improves vision and hearing and clears nasal problems.

How Shirodhara Works:

Shirodhara operates on both mental and physical levels, aiming to create harmony in the mind, body, and soul. This therapy works by eliminating stress-inducing hormones and toxins, promoting mental tranquillity. As the warm oils flow onto the forehead, they create a soothing sensation, calming the mind and quieting racing thoughts. Shirodhara regulates the pituitary gland, effectively treating insomnia. On a physiological level, it calms the nerves around the head, leading to increased brain blood circulation and higher serotonin hormone levels, fostering a sense of contentment and well-being.

Types of Shirodhara Massage

Shirodhara is beneficial for the therapeutic benefits of mind and body. Different types of Shirodhara are used for various purposes based on the Pita and Vata present in the body.

  • Ksheer Dhara– It uses milk that is mixed with some herbs. This Ayurveda therapy is beneficial in relaxing headaches, anxiety, and stress, and also enhances the nourishment of the body and relaxed mind.
  • Takra Dhara- In this practice, buttermilk is used with a mix of medicinal herbs. It helps in balancing Pitta Dosha and to maintain internal stability.
  • Thaila Dhara – In this, herbal oils are mixed with extracts of various essential oils that are favorable for balancing Vata Dosha in the body.
  • Kwath Dhara– Decoctions made with a mixture of various herbs are used in this practice.
  • Jala Dhara– Normal water or coconut water is used which adds the cure for ailments caused by heat in the body.


What is Shirodhara Good for?

The herbal oils used for Shirodhara have strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties which potently help in relaxing the pulsating blood vessels in the head. The therapy also improves the mood of an individual and provides relief from stress-related headaches and chronic migraines.

  • Shirodhara for Vision Problems

This classical procedure is extremely beneficial in case of vision problems. Although not applied directly into the eye, this ayurvedic massage with warm herbal oils improves the eye muscles, boosts clarity, and helps a person see better without any glasses.

  • Shirodhara for Depression

Shirodhara therapy holds great value for treating different types of psychotic problems like depression, dementia, restlessness, etc. The herbal oils used for this therapy balance the brain chemicals i.e. neurotransmitters and boost the secretion of dopamine which in turn keeps the serotonin level under control and helps to reduce various symptoms of anxiety and depression.

  • Shirodhara for Hypertension

The Shirodhara treatment induces potent vasodilatory effects on the body. When the oil drops on the center of the forehead, it activates the Agnya chakra, which in turn helps expand the blood vessels and improves blood circulation throughout the body. When the blood flow is normalized, it improves the heart functions as well as cardiovascular tolerance which brings the blood pressure to a stable level and hence treats hypertension and abnormal pressure readings.

  • Shirodhara for Cognitive Abilities

The oils used in this traditional therapy have potent brain-boosting properties. Enriched with powerful antioxidants and flavonoids, they effectively improve the concentration, memory capacity, focus, calmness, and alertness of an individual help relieve the mind from stress and tension, and reduce the risk of memory loss.

Shirodhara should not be done in the following conditions:

  • Women at the last stage of pregnancy
  • People having allergic reactions to oil
  • People suffer from nausea, vomiting, fever, fatigue, or excessive sweating conditions.
  • People suffering from a neck injury, or brain tumor, or have cuts or abrasions on the forehead.

Ayurclinic Approach to Shirodhara Massage Therapy

Ayurclinic embraces Shirodhara as a powerful therapy that aligns with Ayurvedic principles of holistic well-being. Our approach to Shirodhara involves an in-depth assessment of each patient, considering their unique constitution, specific health concerns, and stress factors. Our experienced Ayurvedic practitioners administer Shirodhara with much care and precision, ensuring the right choice of oils or liquids to suit each individual’s needs. Our goal is to induce profound relaxation and mental serenity.

In some cases, Shirodhara is combined with other Ayurvedic therapies and lifestyle guidance to maximize its benefits.


In the journey to find solace from the relentless grip of stress and its side effects, Shirodhara emerges as a beacon of hope in the realm of Ayurveda. Stress, an ever-present companion in our fast-paced lives, can affect our physical and emotional well-being.

With our Ayurvedic therapies and personalized lifestyle guidance, Ayurclinic’s Shirodhara experience is a path to not only drive away stress and insomnia but also achieve profound well-being and mental clarity.

So why not give Shirodhara a try and experience the rejuvenating effects of this ancient Ayurvedic therapy for yourself? For holistic ayurvedic therapies in Melbourne, book an appointment with us or call us@ at +61 3 9078 2940.



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Melbourne CBD Clinic: 

Exchange Tower, Suite 807 (Level 8) 530 Little Collins Street Melbourne, Victoria, Australia 3000

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146






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In any means, we, AYUR CLINIC team neither claiming to be a modern medical doctor nor we registered in the Australian medical board. The word doctor used here is only to represent or to refer the Ayurveda doctors recognized in India after achieving a Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery qualification. This qualification is recognized in Australia as a naturopath by Vetassess governing body. The information provided on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the ayurvedic subjects discussed. Information on this website should not be considered as a replacement for advice and consultation from a healthcare expert. This content or information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any ayurvedic condition. For treatment or diagnosis of any ayurvedic condition or difficulties, consult a doctor. The publisher and creator are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require ayurvedic supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, application or use, to any person reading or following the data or information in this website. References are provided for informational purposes only. Readers should be aware that the linked websites listed on this website may change. This site does not recommend or support the self-management of health issues using the information provided on the website. Instead, we insist you to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for guidance. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all physical conditions, illnesses, weaknesses or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly if you have any health-related questions. Never neglect or delay ayurvedic advice based upon the information you may have read on this site.

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