World Environment Day

July 26, 2018

Protecting Planet Earth

“When the earth is sick and polluted, human health is impossible…. To heal ourselves we must heal our planet, and to heal our planet we must heal ourselves.” – Bobby McLeod (Aboriginal Activist & Poet)

Our life and nature – both are interconnected to each other. Ayurveda advocates us to stay aligned with nature. The base line for every cure in Ayurveda is supported by the intricate characteristic of natural herbs. World Environment day gives us an opportunity to think on the negative impacts that man has left on Nature. We need not be an environmental expert to accept the fact that man has caused irreversible damage on this planet. We all know about it pretty well.

Pollution, climatic extremes, extinction of animal species, global warming, water pollution, ocean acidification, overpopulation, loss of bio-diversity, ozone layer depletion etc are some of threats that are posed against the peaceful life on this earth. It is already high time to do something worthwhile to save the brilliance of nature.

When each one of us start contributing, undeniably a positive effect would be created. When you feel yourself responsible for this earth and want to handover a better earth to your future generation, try to take some of the ideas

  • Say a definite no to plastics. Carry a grocery bag and avoid the necessity of plastic bag wherever possible. Encourage others to do it.
  • Plant as much trees as possible. Join in groups and make it a habit to plant saplings.
  • Wake early and save your health and electricity by completing all tasks early and going to bed early.
  • Use public transport, walk and join carpooling whenever possible.
  • Repair before replacing any item to reduce carbon footprint.
  • Save water and help for a clean environment around you.

The theme of this year’s World Environment day is to connect people with nature. It urges us to come out and connect with the nature outside. When we learn to appreciate the importance and beauty of nature, we would in turn try to respond to the call of protecting the same.

World environment day remains a source of motivation to many countries to take action on the degradation nature is facing, Let us wish and try to establish a harmony between the nature and human beings.

Happy Environment Day!

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+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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1 Fastnet Drive Taylors Lakes, Victoria, Australia 3038

+61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146






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