World Asthma Day
‘Asthma’ is a greek word which means ‘panting’ or ‘labored breathing’. It is a disease that affects the airways and lungs. An inflammation in airways causes swelling and blocks the air passage through it. The air passes with difficulty both from and to the lungs. This condition causes irritability and susceptibility to allergies. A survey says Asthma is the third most common cause for hospitalisation. There are about 300 million asthmatics worldwide with one-tenth living in India.
Conventional treatments aim at eliminating the symptoms of Asthma. They reduce the inflammation and dilate the air passage. Homeopathic treatment for Asthma not only aims at relieving the symptoms, but also treats the patient as a whole. No two asthmatic patients are same in Homeopathy.
A complete medical history, along with the mental and emotional disturbances are analysed. Homeopathy cures the root cause of the problem with natural and safe medicines. It’s medicines activate the body’s own natural restorative power and enables it to fight the condition.
Sometimes it is the new manifestation of a suppressed skin condition, sometimes it is a small emotional disturbance in children that causes the condition. Ayurclinic has specialised treatments to cure asthmatic conditions. This World Asthma Day is celebrated to create awareness and care for the disease.