Psoriasis is linked to low self-esteem and depression, many patients with psoriasis struggle to leave their house in fear of humiliation. This chronic skin condition can take a toll on us, however, once you learn how to feel comfortable in your own skin it can become easier. Here at Ayurveda, we understand your concerns about your psoriasis and we are here to help.
1.Own your psoriasis
Don’t let the condition take over you, learning to accept it and move forward is the best way to deal with psoriasis. Continue to think with a positive mindset and try speaking positively. Practise phrases such as: “my psoriasis doesn’t bother me” or “my psoriasis doesn’t define me”.
2.No one’s looking
Don’t stress out about people staring at your psoriasis, chances are no one is looking! Be positive, psoriasis is a common condition that many deal with. Don’t waste your summer days constantly covering up. Avoid layering on the items of clothing in summer, the sweat can cause irritation against your skin and cause your psoriasis to flare up.
3.Intimate relationships
Being intimate can be scary when dealing with psoriasis, thinking about your partner being right up close to your psoriasis can be a major put off. Don’t let this fear get in the way of moving forward with your partner. Don’t be afraid of sharing your psoriasis struggles with your partner, if they’re bothered by this then they’re not the right one for you.
4.Reduce your stress
The more anxious you are getting about being embarrassed about psoriasis, the worst you are making it. Stress can trigger psoriasis, try and work on managing stress in order to prevent a psoriasis flare. You can read more about Psoriasis treatments here.
Open up and speak to people about your psoriasis, you may find that confiding in others can make you feel better. Chances are you will probably meet someone with psoriasis or a similar skin condition that affects them in the same manner. Don’t feel comfortable talking to a friend or family member? try talking to one of our highly qualified practitioners, contact us on +61 3 90782940 or email at [email protected].
Sick of your psoriasis humiliating you? Maintaining stress and exercising regularly should reduce psoriasis symptoms. If you want to permanently take control of your psoriasis. Book an appointment with Ayurveda Melbourne to get your psoriasis treatment started.