Herbs for Tinnitus Can Strengthen Ear Nerves And Eliminate Irritating Ear Sounds.

August 19, 2022

Tinnitus is a condition in which one or both ears experience ringing or other types of noises. The source of these sounds is internal, as no one but you can hear them. It is a widespread issue that affects 15–20% of the world’s population. If you are seeking a widely accepted cure for tinnitus, you should consider ayurveda medicine. It is a widely established medical practice that promises a natural and effective treatment for tinnitus.

Tinnitus, also known as Karnanada in Ayurveda, is typically produced by a disruption of the Prana Vayu, a form of Vata dosha that resides in the head and upper torso and controls the higher brain functions, the inhalation phase of respiration, and the motion of swallowing. Vata, a combination of the elements air and space, manages the different physiological features of a healthy body, including circulation, breathing, peristalsis, and the passage of sensory impulses. An imbalance in the Vata dosha disrupts the regular functioning of the body, resulting in dry mucous membranes, sensory nerve fiber disturbances, insomnia, and tinnitus. In the case of tinnitus, the condition is neither psychological nor the result of external stimuli. The vata imbalance produces sounds within the ear chambers that are audible exclusively to the patient. Since there is no proper medical treatment for this issue, the following ayurveda remedies can be used to alleviate the discomfort and symptoms of tinnitus.

What exactly is Tinnitus?

Tinnitus is the medical name for buzzing or ringing in the ears. People report hearing sounds ranging from ringing to roaring, buzzing, whistling, and hissing, among others. It is a frustrating sensation for the patient to hear such sounds inwardly exclusively. Sometimes, it interferes with the actual sounds of the patient’s surroundings. It may have negative psychological consequences on the patient over time, leading to tension, anxiety, or depression. Tinnitus can affect people of all ages, but it is most prevalent among the elderly.

Tinnitus is not a sickness, but rather a symptom of underlying pathologies such as age-related hearing loss, ear damage, circulatory diseases, and neurological illnesses.

Varieties of Tinnitus

Tinnitus may be either subjective or objective in nature. Objective tinnitus occurs when the patient and those around him hear the ringing.

Reasons for Tinnitus

  • Middle or inner ear damage is the most common cause of Tinnitus.
  • Exposure to loud sounds, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, head and neck injuries, neck and brain cancers, muscular spasm in the inner ear, and age-related hearing loss are all risk factors for hearing impairment.
  • Numerous medications may produce tinnitus. It consists of high doses of aspirin, antimalarial medications, certain antibiotics, and some anticancer treatments.
  • Conditions such as muscle spasms in the middle ear and Meniere’s disease can cause ringing in the ears.
  • Sometimes, excessive earwax accumulation also impairs normal hearing. This is classified as tinnitus.

Signs and symptoms of Tinnitus

  • An audible ringing in the ear
  • Feeling Giddiness
  • Disturbed Sleep
  • Irritability

Everyone reacts differently to tinnitus. Some can manage, while others find it difficult to lead a normal life with it.

People with tinnitus are also susceptible to:

  • Headaches
  • Depression
  • Memory problems
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Fatigue
  • Trouble concentrating
  • Animosity and Anxiety
  • Conflict between family and job

Diet and Lifestyle Changes

The effectiveness of Ayurvedic Tinnitus treatments is enhanced when the patient adheres to a prescribed diet, lifestyle, and yoga regimen. Include in your diet green vegetables, fresh fruits, dried fruits, nuts, and clarified butter.

Precautions Against Tinnitus

  • Avoid walking in windy conditions, repressing natural desires, listening to loud music, and using electronic devices excessively.
  • Additionally, prolonged exposure to loud noises and music might cause tinnitus.
  • Avoid smoking, caffeine, alcohol, and foods that are sour, salty, and spicy.
  • Regularly engage in cardiovascular exercise and monitor your cardiovascular health. Blood vessel health can minimize the likelihood of tinnitus, which is intimately associated with blood vessels.
  • The nerve in the ear can be easily damaged by exposure to loud sounds, resulting in tinnitus and hearing loss.

Treatment with Ayurvedic herbs for Tinnitus

Tinnitus is diagnosed using an ear, neck, and head examination, audiological examinations, and CT or MRI scans. According to Ayurveda, the major cause of Tinnitus, which makes sound in the ear canals, is Vata aggravation. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatment for Tinnitus focuses on balancing Vata Dosha.

Tinnitus can be treated with Ayurvedic methods such as Karna poorna (warm medicinal oil ear drops), Kaval and Gandusha (oil gargling and mouth retention), Abhyanga (body massage), Shirodhara, Snehapana, and Virechana.

The Ayurvedic treatments and medications strengthen the nerves surrounding the ear and restore balance to the irritated Vata dosha, which is accountable for Tinnitus.

Home Remedies For Tinnitus Treatment:

  • Vata Specific Diet:Since this ailment is caused by an imbalance of the vata dosha, it is strongly advised that a certain diet be followed to balance these doshas. The majority of the diet consists of warm, moderately-textured, sweet, salty, or sour foods. Additionally, raw nuts, nut butter, and spices such as cumin, ginger, cloves, cinnamon, and cardamom can be used in moderation to enhance the flavor of meals.
  • Ear Drops, or Karnapooran:The direct application of herbal oil or herbal liquid to the affected ear or ears is highly effective for removing excessive wax collection. These eardrops may be derived from a single herb or a combination of two or more. Not only are herbal ear drops used to clean the ears, but they also have a relaxing impact on the eardrums.
  • Nasya or Nasal Administration:Nasya is one of the earliest ayurvedic treatments used to nourish the senses and eradicate excess vata dosha from the body. Frequently, tinnitus can be cured by administering nasya with heated oil extracted from the Vacha tree. This oil’s potent calming and soothing effects balance prana vayu and lessen vata doshas.
  • Kawala & Gandush:Another effective ayurvedic treatment is kawala, which entails gargling medicated oils or liquids, and Gandush, which entails holding the medicated oil or liquid in the mouth without gargling for a specified period of time. Either of these activities is crucial for soothing the vata doshas and reducing tinnitus discomfort. Generally, the liquids used for kawala or Gandush are a form of kwath or decoction made by boiling ayurvedic herbs in water.
  • Abhyanga or Massage:Abhyanga, or head (i.e. Shiroabhyanga) or foot (i.e. Padabhyanga) massage, is essential for treating this ailment from the ears. Warm sesame oil, mint oil, or castor oil massage provides an instant cooling and calming sensation to the mind and body, which assists in calming the prana vayu, thereby healing tinnitus.

In addition to time-tested ayurvedic treatments for tinnitus, following a few basic health guidelines on a daily basis helps to eliminate the ringing in the ears and alleviates pain and discomfort in the hearing organs.

●    Exercise Regularly

Daily physical activity for 20 to 30 minutes not only increases metabolism, immunity, and digestive health, but also improves mood and reduces stress levels in the mind and body. Since excessive tension, melancholy, and anxiety usually result in poor blood circulation to the various organs and tissues in the body, including the ears, a basic daily activity such as a brisk morning walk, aerobics, or yoga asanas can do wonders for alleviating tinnitus symptoms.

●    Reduce Caffeine Consumption

While consuming one to two cups of coffee each day stimulates the brain and improves productivity, memory, and focus, excessive caffeine consumption impedes blood flow in the body and causes high blood pressure. Due to the importance of the ears in maintaining system balance, irregular blood circulation usually results in hypertension, which exacerbates ear pain and persistent noises. To effectively manage tinnitus symptoms, it is recommended to reduce caffeine use.

●    Utilize Protective Gear

In most scenarios at work and at home, noise levels are kept to a modest level. However, whether watching the news on television, using mixers/blenders in the kitchen, or cleaning with a high-powered vacuum, considerable noise is produced. In such situations, wearing earplugs or earmuffs helps reduce direct exposure to loud vibrations, as loud noises not only exacerbate tinnitus symptoms but also cause hearing loss.

While there are home remedies for tinnitus, they may not be enough if it starts to get serious it may be advised to consult an ayurvedic practitioner.

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