Hair Loss Treatment Melbourne: An Ayurvedic Approach

July 26, 2018

Hair Loss

Losing hair and becoming slowly bald is the worst nightmare for any of us particularly younger generation. Hair loss is becoming more common today. According to Ayurveda, hair and nail are “the malas of asthi dhatu”, that is they are the waste products that results from the metabolic process involved in the production of bones. In short, they are the by products of bone formation.

The disturbances in this bone tissue metabolism is reflected in the health of hair. In Ayurveda, excessive hair fall is called khalitya – classified under shiroroga (Headache). The Ayurvedic causes of hair loss are:

  • Body type or mind-body constituent
  • Aggravation of dosha (Vata, Pitta or Kapha or all the three)
  • Polluted environment
  • Lack of sleep
  • Non application of oil
  • Improper digestion
  • Hormonal & nutritional deficiency
  • Vitiated Rakta dosha

Increased Pitta dosha is considered to be major reason for hair loss according to Ayurveda. Pitta is aggravated in hot climatic conditions, eating excessive oil & spicy foods, excessive consumption of alcohol, tea, coffee, salty and fermented foods.

Khalitya is divided into following categories specific to predominant dosha :

  • Vata Khalitya: The scalp seems red.
  • Pitta Khalitya: The scalp appears bluish or greenish with lot of sweat. The veins are clearly visible.
  • Kapha Khalitya: The scalp looks normal but is pale.
  • Tridosha Khalitya: Vitiation of all three doshas resulting in damage to scalp and hair.

The normal growth rate of hair in a balanced condition is half an inch per month. Some hairs are in growth phase and the remaining in rest phase. The hairs in resting phase tend to fall after sometime and new ones grow in that place. So a small quantity of hair fall is much common.

Genetic baldness is caused by body’s inability to produce new hairs. Other causes include stress, some type of medication, anemia, usage of chemicals, blood impurity, some type of infections and improper hair care also can cause hair fall. Ayurvedic treatment of hair loss is customised as per the individual’s needs. It generally includes:

  • Pitta pacifying nutritional diet
  • Herbal treatment
  • Oil head massages
  • Lifestyle changes
  • Activating sebaceous glands
  • Stimulating digestive power (agni)
  • Detoxifying therapies – Panchakarma
  • Yoga & Meditation

A healthy, lustrous long hair ensures confidence and energy to your lifestyle.

Key Ayurvedic Remedies for Hair Loss

Ayurveda focuses on treating the root causes rather than symptoms. Here are the important ayurvedic remedies that can help treat hair loss:

  • Bhringraj (Eclipta alba): It can be said that Bhringraj is magical for hair care. It for many years known as Kesaraja, which in Sanskrit means – The King of Hair. In addition to these, it assists in hair growth, follicle strengthening, prevention of grey hair as well as dandruff. You can apply bringraj oil on the head for massaging or can consume in powdered form. 
  • Amla (Indian Gooseberry): Amla is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants. It is powerful herbal remedy in terms of treating hair related issues. It help promote hair growth, strengthen hair follicles and prevent premature greying. Either as amla hair oil or consuming it directly can help rejuvenate your hair naturally.
  • Neem (Azadirachta indica): Neem contains antibacterial and antifungal properties, making it an effective remedy against dandruff, scalp infections and inflammation – conditions which often worsen hair loss. Thus making neem oil or shampoos with this ingredient  help to improve overall scalp health and relieve symptoms.
  • Shikakai (Acacia concinna): This natural cleaner is quite good to use in place of chemical loaded shampoos. Shikakai cleanse the scalp and strengthens hair as well as improves the texture of  hair. This is especially helpful to people who have sensitive or problematic scalps and is effective in removing build-up without stripping off the natural oil in scalp.
  • Ashwagandha: Stress is prime cause of hair loss and since the Ashwagandha herb is proven to have  relaxing effect on body, this indicates that hair loss can be reduced if it is taken. It can play the role of reducing the levels of cortisol thereby decreasing stress induced hair loss and improving the health of hair in general.

Seek Professional Ayurvedic Hair Loss Treatment in Melbourne

Although home remedies may provide excellent results, starting treatments or remedies with Ayurveda for hair loss or any other health issue should always begin after consulting with an Ayurvedic practitioner. A thorough Ayurvedic consultation aids in understanding the specifics of your problem, identifying its root cause and then creating an individual plan for treating the root of the issue by using Ayurvedic remedies and treatments.

Hair Loss Treatments in Ayurveda


Shirodhara is a treatment in which a large quantity of oil is poured over the patient’s forehead. This oil is slowly poured over the forehead, it seeps down into the hairline, covers the scalp and covers all hair in a thick coat of oil. Shirodhara treatment has significant benefits for the health of scalp and hair as the oil or milk are applied directly on that area of the body. All ingredients used in Shirodhara head massage are safe, edible and non-toxic. These ingredients are healthy to use directly on the scalp and will strengthen scalp tissues and hair follicles. This will also treat the hair strands. This practice is excellent for anyone suffering from dandruff, dry scalp, alopecia, dry or brittle hair or specifically from hair loss. It can be used as both preventative treatment for those with a family history of these conditions wanting to prevent them or to treat existing conditions within the body. While Ayurveda cannot reverse hair loss and promote hair growth in bald spots, it can support those suffering from hair loss by nourishing the scalp and strengthening the hair follicles so that hair will be stronger and less prone to falling out.


Shiro abhyanga, a type of head massage which involves massage of the entire upper body. This includes shoulders, neck and head. It is an Ayurvedic method that targets specific imbalances in the dosha and utilizes oils and techniques. In addition to the body and mind, Shiro abhyanga massage has enormous advantages for your scalp and hair. A few of them are listed below:

  • It helps prevent dry and dandruffy hair.
  • Prevents hair loss.
  • Massaging improves blood flow on the scalp and the oils supply nutrients which stimulate hair growth.
  • Preventing premature greying of the hair.
  • Shiro abhyanga soothes the mind and nervous system, which results in better sleep and decreasing stress. This can prevent loss of hair caused by stress.

There are various variants on the Shiro abhyanga treatment. Some of them focus on specific issues with hair and scalp. For instance, Shiro Rukshata focuses on combating dryness of the scalp, Shiro Kandu can be beneficial to alleviate scalp itching.

Thalapothichil (shirolepa)

Thalapothichil is a particular method of applying medicated paste onto the head. Thalapothichil is also referred to as Shirolepa. It is an extremely recommended Ayurvedic treatment that consists of pastes and herbs that have significant medicinal value. The scalp is covered with herbal pastes. These will nourish and penetrate to your central nervous system and help to revive the patient by nourishing the body. This treatment will fix the imbalance of pitta dosha. It also relaxes the mind, reduces anxiety and improves the texture of hair and its smoothness which makes hair healthier and treats hair loss.


Nasya is a nasal treatment in which precise amounts of herbal extracts are delivered into the nostrils, which serve as a passage to the head. The nasal passage is purified using this procedure to eliminate allergies or blockages. It refers to the process of medication given through the nasal route, involving various herbal formulations composed of ghee, powder, fresh juice or oil. It is considered to be very effective when used in the right manner.  Along with many other benefits, it prevents hair fall and also accelerates the growth of hair. Nasya therapy nourishes hair follicles which strengthen the hair and help reduce falling.

Kashaya Dhara

Kashaya Dhara is an Ayurvedic decoction bath. A constant, rhythmic stream of herbalised liquid is poured and massaged over your body.  It promotes total mental peace and is the greatest Ayurvedic hair fall therapy. The benefits of kashaya dhara such as pain relief, stress reduction, skin rejuvenation, enhanced sleep quality, improved mental clarity significantly can help to treat hair loss. Also this treatment is beneficial for treating certain scalp conditions.

Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle tips for Hair loss

Ayurveda emphasize that your diet and how you live your life are crucial to maintain healthy hair. A balanced lifestyle and diet customized to your dosha constitution can nourish your hair within. If you’re in search of hair loss treatment in Melbourne using an Ayurvedic method, visit Ayurclinic or follow the remedies given below that help you in maintaining the health of your hair and avoid further loss of hair.

  • Dosha Balancing Diet

Pitta imbalance is often the core reason for hair loss. To combat it, try eating foods that soothe, hydrate and cool; these include leafy green vegetables, fruits  and vegetables with high water content (such as watermelons or cucumbers) as well as dairy products that are soothing, cooling; avoid spicy foods which increase pitta levels further.

  • Hydration

Hydration is important for healthy hair and scalp. Drinking plenty of water is key in flushing out toxins from your system while simultaneously soothing your pitta balance. In addition to water, herbal teas made of cooling herbs like mint or fennel seeds offer another good source of hydration.

  • Stress free lifestyle

Stress is among the main causes of hair loss, which is why it’s imperative to find a viable solution to maintain optimal health for both the body and mind. Yoga, meditation and pranayama (breathing exercise) as stress relieving techniques into your routine to alleviate stress in the mind and consequently prevent loss of hair. These exercises will help to calm your mind, greatly reduce anxiety levels and finally reduce hair loss.

  • Quality sleep

Quality sleep is necessary for our overall health and also for healthy hair. Ayurveda recommends 7 to 8 hours of continuous sleep that helps your body relax. Insufficient sleep can negatively affect your health and your hair, through stress and lack of rest leading to hair thinning and hair loss.

  • Self care

After all, taking care of your hair is also a key factor for healthy hair. Massaging your head with oils help improve the blood circulation leading to strong hair follicles and boosts your hair growth. For massaging, Bhringraj oil, Coconut oil or Amla oil can give you a lot of benefits. Also proper cleansing of your scalp and hair is necessary to maintain hair health.

Ayurvedic Shampoos and conditioners

For those looking for natural hair care products as part of their hair loss treatment in Melbourne, Ayurvedic shampoos and conditioners are a great choice. They do not have any harsh chemicals, which makes them gentle on hair and scalp. Find shampoos that contain ingredients such as Reetha (soapnut), Shikakai and Aloe Vera that cleanse without stripping natural oils.

Hair Loss Treatment Melbourne

At Ayurclinic we offer Ayurvedic treatments for hair loss in Melbourne that meet unique needs of each individual. We focus on treating root causes of hair loss such as stress, deficiency of nutrients, hormonal imbalance, etc. and provide long term health solutions for hair loss. 

We provide time-tested treatment methods like herbal remedies, treatments, diet changes and lifestyle changes, promoting holistic wellness in you. Our treatments  are not just to treat hair loss, but to boost overall wellness and help treating hair loss, to make it stronger and healthier.

Are you ready to restore healthy hair? Make an appointment with us to find the best hair loss treatment in Melbourne. 


Hair loss can be challenging to deal with. You no longer have to make hair loss as routine of your life. With Ayurveda, you can treat them holistically and naturally. 

For those seeking for natural ways of hair loss treatment in Melbourne, we are here for you. Ayurclinic offer personalised solutions rooted in Ayurveda. Take your step to Ayurveda with us and experience revitalizing power of it. visit us at Ayurclinic or call (03) 9078 2940 today to book a consultation.

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In any means, we, AYUR CLINIC team neither claiming to be a modern medical doctor nor we registered in the Australian medical board. The word doctor used here is only to represent or to refer the Ayurveda doctors recognized in India after achieving a Bachelor of ayurvedic medicine and surgery qualification. This qualification is recognized in Australia as a naturopath by Vetassess governing body. The information provided on this website is designed to provide helpful information on the ayurvedic subjects discussed. Information on this website should not be considered as a replacement for advice and consultation from a healthcare expert. This content or information is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any ayurvedic condition. For treatment or diagnosis of any ayurvedic condition or difficulties, consult a doctor. The publisher and creator are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require ayurvedic supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, application or use, to any person reading or following the data or information in this website. References are provided for informational purposes only. Readers should be aware that the linked websites listed on this website may change. This site does not recommend or support the self-management of health issues using the information provided on the website. Instead, we insist you to consult with a qualified Ayurvedic doctor for guidance. Information on this site is not comprehensive and does not cover all physical conditions, illnesses, weaknesses or their treatment. Contact your healthcare professional promptly if you have any health-related questions. Never neglect or delay ayurvedic advice based upon the information you may have read on this site.

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