How to Manage Gallstones in Ayurveda?
Gallstones, or Cholelithiasis, is one of the most common disorders affecting the biliary system. Gallstones are formed from the constituents of bile, such as bile pigments, cholesterol, and calcium salts, in varying proportions. They are frequently found in the intrahepatic bile duct, extrahepatic biliary passageways, and gall bladder.
Practitioners often refer to gallstone risk factors as “fat, female, fertile, flatulent, and forty.” Gallstones are more likely to form in first-degree relatives, multiparous women, obese persons, and aged persons. Gallstone development is significantly influenced by medications like clofibrate, cholestyramine, and oral contraceptives, as well as by weight loss, ileal illness, ileal resection, and other conditions.
Gall bladder stones are of three types: cholesterol, mixed, and pigmented. Cholesterol gallstones contain more than 50% cholesterol. Mixed stones are the most common type and contain cholesterol, calcium salts of phosphate, carbonate, and proteins. Pigmented gallstones contain less than 50% cholesterol and are primarily composed of calcium bilirubinate.
Signs and Symptoms of Gallbladder Stone
Gall bladder stones are typically asymptomatic in people and are discovered during diagnostic tests. In most cases, symptoms appear when stones induce swelling or obstruct the cystic or common bile duct.
The affected individual suffers from severe, steady biliary pain in the right upper side of the abdomen or epigastrium that begins suddenly, often half an hour to one and a half hours after meals, lasts for several hours, and occasionally radiates to the right scapula or back. The pain is self-limiting and recurs unpredictably after a heavy meal. The patient experiences nausea, vomiting, fever, and an increased WBC count.
Ayurvedic concept of Gallstones
Ayurveda defines the disease gallstones are Pittashmari. Ashmari means ‘stones’ and Pitta refers to the ‘imbalanced pitta dosha in the gall bladder’. Stone formation is based on an excess increase in pitta, which can be caused by hot, spicy meals, alcohol, etc. Kapha, increased by fatty, heavy foods, mixes with pitta and produces a highly sticky mixture. This mixture is dried by Vata, who then shapes it into the form of a stone.
Ayurveda Management for Gallstone
Gallstones are managed in Ayurveda by a combination of therapeutic procedures, medicinal supplements, and dietary restrictions.
The treatment approach must include medicinal supplements having the properties such as Lekhana(scrapping), Chedana(cutting), Bhedana(piercing), Mootrala(diuretic), Bastishodhana, Anulomana, Deepana, Pachana, Vedanasthapana, and Kapha and pitta pacifying properties. The therapeutic methods help in dissolving the stones completely along with detoxifying the liver and gallbladder.
The commonly followed Ayurveda therapies include:
- Virechana(medicated purgation): The vitiated Pitta Dosha can be brought back to normalcy by performing medicated purgation using drugs having pitta pacifying properties.
- Avagaha Sweda: Medicated oil is applied to the abdomen and then the person is made to sit on the bathtub for a specific period of time. It helps to clean the channels as well as brings the doshas back to normalcy.
- Abhyanga: Mild oil massage on the abdomen helps in reducing pain and correcting the vata dosha.
- Swedana: Local fomentation procedures clean the channels and bring the doshas back to normalcy.
Diet and lifestyle changes.
- Include fibre-rich food items in the diet.
- Reduce the number of refined carbohydrates and sugar in food items.
- Eat healthy fat such as olive oil, and fish oil and avoid unhealthy fat.
- Reduce body weight.
- Practice yoga and mild exercise regularly.
- Consume at least 8 glasses of water daily.
Gallstones are not necessarily a headache for many as it goes unnoticed when it remains in the Gall’s bladder. However, if you are looking for gallbladder stone removal treatment in Melbourne, visit Ayurclinic. We provide the best Ayurveda treatments, a thing of ease and convenience for you.
To know more about how you can manage this condition or prevent the frequent occurrence of gallbladder stones, consult our Ayurveda doctor today. Dial +61 3 9078 2940 or schedule an online appointment with our experts.