Homeopathy in Sydney

Homeopathy in Sydney

Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words “homoeos” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning suffering. Translated literally, it means “similar suffering”. Propounded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician Homeopathy or Similar Suffering is based on the principle “Similia Similibus Curentur”, that is, ‘let likes be cured by likes’.

Hence, Homeopathy can be defined as a holistic medicine which assists the natural tendency of the human body to heal itself. As per homeopathy, it is the individual that needs to be treated and not the disease. This essentially implies that any substance that can produce a set of signs and symptoms in a healthy person can be used to cure a similar set of signs and symptoms in a person suffering from one or more ailments.

It may be surprising for you to know that the most trusted Homeopaths in Sydney do not treat physical, emotional, and mental illnesses separately. They regard these as intimately connected, and responsible for the patient’s suffering. The experienced Homeopaths in Sydney, at AYUR CLINIC, believe that any symptoms of illnesses signify the body’s natural efforts to heal itself.

Consultation for Homeopathy in Sydney

Unlike the consultations in other fields of medicine, Homeopathy Doctors may need anywhere between 30 minutes to 2 hours of time to interact with the patient. During this time, he homeopath may ask extensive questions about the patient’s overall health and personality, to understand the emotional and physical symptoms. In most cases, the series of questions are quite unrelated to the patient’s primary health concerns, which may seem a little odd, but is truly vital for a doctor’s understanding of the patient’s overall health. On the basis of this questioning, the homeopath in Sydney prescribes the remedy for the patient. In this process, the healing begins from within the body, thus strengthening the health and immunity of the patient.

As homeopathy is a holistic treatment, adequate rest, appropriate diet, and an optimal environment are advised for quicker healing.

Patient’s Role

The accuracy and effectiveness of homeopathic treatment are largely dependent on the analysis of the patient, much more than the illness itself. Hence, as a patient, you must be open and willing to give honest answers about your physical and psychological symptoms during the consultation.

Moreover, once the treatment starts, you must be observant of the various changes you witness in your body, as these may come in handy to assess the success of the treatment.

In order for your treatment to be effective, your homeopath in Sydney will suggest you avoid any substances that might interfere with your remedy. You should be willing to do as guided.

To know more about Homeopathy medicine or to make an appointment with one of our highly experienced practitioners please contact on or email at [email protected].


Homeopathy is derived from two Greek words “homoeos” meaning similar and “pathos” meaning suffering. Translated literally, it means “similar suffering“. It is a system of medicine propounded by Samuel Hahnemann, a German physician, a little over 200 years ago.

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    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146

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    +61 3 9078 2940+61 4 2586 2146






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