Detox Is The Essential Element To Health
Detox is an essential part of naturopathy. This is because the environment we live in, inside and outside of our body and mind, has a significant impact on our health and wellbeing. Sometimes this impact can be negative. Detox can help your body and mind recover and get rid of toxins, improving your overall health.
Naturopathy believes and teaches that accumulation of toxins or morbid matter is the basic cause of disease. Toxins and morbid matter form the environment for foreinbodies (bacteria and viruses) to stay and grow in our body, becoming a disease condition. Even though toxins are accumulated in the body, they don’t always manifest themselves as diseases, especially in the early stages. There is a gestation period and a threshold after which the negative effect on the organs and body parts start to show. Hence, it’s better to remove the very cause of the disease even before it becomes visible.
Detox in ayurvedic healing
In Ayurveda, stages of toxicity and disease formation are described in six steps called shad kriya kala. The six stages of disease development are Chaya (accumulation of toxins), Prokopa (increase or aggravation), Prasara (spreading of toxins), Sthana samshraya (collection in a particular organ or part), Vyakta (clear manifestation of the disease) and Bheda (differentiation or further complication of disease). Your toxicity hides itself before it manifests as a disease.
Naturopathy also believes that blood has to maintain a certain quality and an optimum quantity for the perfect maintenance of the body. The quality of blood is affected when toxins are pushed into the blood stream from the digestive system. Your blood loses its efficiency to repair and maintenan your body. Hence, detox and removal of toxins is an important part of healing.
We are constantly exposed to and consume toxins in our daily living through external factors like urban environment, climate and chemical exposure. Internal elements such as consuming artificial foods, beverages, metabolic end products like free radicles and c–reactive proteins are also conisdered to be toxins, which can cause additional inflammation.
Our body has a natural system of cleansing and defence mechanisms to maintain a healthy body. In detoxification, we are nurturing and inducing cleansing by providing an ideal environment for optimal health.
Even though we try to cleanse our body though healthy eating of organic foods, nutrients and supplements, exercise and various therapies, it may not bring a perfect health. This is because we not only have to detox our bodies, but also many mind elements such as thoughts, emotions and perceptions.
How to find out if you need detox?
- Do you crave sweets, eat lot of processed and canned foods, drink plenty caffeinated beverages and energy drinks?
- Do you feel tired, fatigued, or sluggish throughout the day?
- Are you overweight and/or do you have cellulite fat deposits?
- Are you suffering from insomnia or trouble getting restful sleep?
- Do you have less than one bowel movement per day and get constipated often?
- Do you suffer bloating, indigestion and frequent gas after eating?
- Does your occupation expose you to environmental toxins such as chemicals and smokes?
- Are you suffering form repeated colds, flu and allergies?
- Do you have puffy eyes or dark circles under your eyes, acne-prone skin and/or rashes?
- Do you notice that you have bad breath, coated tongue and strong-smelling urine?
Fear not if you answered yes to any or a number of the questions above. Just ask yourself: do I want to keep going like this, or do I want to experience greater level of health and wellness? If you answered yes to the latter, congratulations – you made your first step to recovery! The next step is to think about the best way to healing. We suggest you consider detox as it’s one of the most powerful healing pathways available in naturopathy.
Simple outcomes of detox
Benefits of detoxification are many. Ideally it is a preventive, curative and restorative process. Detoxification helps to have glowing and radiant skin, better digestion and no bloating, increased energy throughout the day, sound sleep and clarity of mind. Detox also helps reduce cravings. Thus, it is a perfect weight management tool. You will feel renewed and motivated by detoxing. You will also gain a new positive outlook on your health and goals.
There are three important factors which will help you gain the right mindset for detox, namely preparing your mind to change, changing your cell functions, and adapting to new regime and habits. Best time for detox is spring and summer as this is when we naturally feel most positive about life and change. By entering path of detoxifying your life, body and mind, you will achieve a perfect harmony of health and alignment to the greater energy.
If you’re ready to start your detox journey, contact our ayurveda experts at our naturopathy Melbourne-based clinic. We will help you understand the best detox methods and strategies, and will tailor a pathway to regaining health and wellbeing just for you.