Amazing Healing Powers of Aloe Vera

July 26, 2018

The Wonders of Aloe

Aloe Vera is a miracle herb that has a number of healing properties. It has an inspiring history – it is one of the oldest mentioned plants on record known for its medicinal properties. ‘Plant from heavens’, ‘plant of immortality’, ‘wand of heaven’, ‘marvellous herb’, ‘elixir of youth’ and ‘gift of nature’ are some of the alternative names given to Aloe vera suggesting its divine healing powers. The Egyptian pharaohs include this in their funerary gifts and named it as a plant of immortality. Legend also states that Aloe vera saved the life of wounded Alexander the Great and Aristotle advised Alexander to conquer the island of Socotra in Indian Ocean since it was filled with Aloe vera plants and it supplied stock of healing herbs for Alexander’s entire army.

There are over 240 species of Aloe vera out of which only 4 have medicinal benefits. Aloe looks like a cactus, but belongs to the Lilly family. The muscular leaf contains a gel which is made of 96% water and the remaining 4% is said to possess over 200 medicinal ingredients. Aloe vera contains:

  • Anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties
  • Vitamins – vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9, B12, C, E, choline, folic acid, aloetic acid, etc
  • Minerals – sodium, calcium, selenium, zinc, magnesium, chromium, manganese, potassium and iron.
  • Enzymes – There are two digestion supporting enzymes – amylase and lipase. One particular molecule – Bradykinase – is an inflammatory mediator. It causes the blood vessel to dilate – reduces swelling, redness and pain.
  • Amino Acids – Aloe contains 20 out of 22 amino acids necessary for human body. Salicyclic acid – fights against bacteria.

Aloe Vera Healing

Aloe is absorbed by our skin four times faster than water. It acts upon the pores and heals the epithelial tissues and promoted blood flow on the damaged cells. To sum up, Aloe benefits in the following –

  • Reduces inflammation
  • Improves digestion and elimination
  • Cures skin problems
  • It acts against cholesterol and blood clots
  • Aids in inducing ovulation
  • Helps to cure constipation.
  • Potentiates the anti-oxidants.
  • A natural immune booster
  • Cures acid reflux
  • Acts as a natural detoxifier
  • Moisturises the skin and prevents age-wrinkles.
  • Soothes muscle and joints discomfort

Aloe is safe to use both externally and internally. Have an Aloe plant at home or a bottle of Aloe gel handy always!

Contact us today for more information!

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